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Resource type: article, chapter

Multicriterial decision-making by comparison of the Pareto-optimal sets for a reduced number of objectives (RB-1998-95)


Resource metadata

Title Multicriterial decision-making by comparison of the Pareto-optimal sets for a reduced number of objectives (RB-1998-95)
Persons Authors: Jakub Gutenbaum, Michał Inkielman
Partner: Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Description Methods concerning decision-making in multi objective cases consist in the determining the efficient (Pareto-optimal) solutions and selecting among them a preferred one, in accord with some subjective opinions of the decision-maker. During the whole process the number of objectives (N) is constant. The approach presented in this paper is different, namely the determination of the preferred solution is done on the basis of the comparison of efficient sets for different combinations of n (1 (English)
Keywords "multi-criterial decision-making"@en, "podejmowanie decyzji wielokryterialnych"@pl, "Pareto-optimal sets"@en, "zbiory optymalne w sensie Pareto"@pl
Classification Resource type: article, chapter
Scientific discipline: Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych / matematyka (2018)
Destination group: pupils, students, scientists
Harmful content: No
Characteristics Title of source document: RB-1998-95
Place of publication: Warszawa
Publisher: IBSPAN
Time of publication: 1998
From page: 1
To page: 12
Resource language: English
License CC BY-SA 4.0
Technical information Submitter: Anna Wasilewska
Availability date: 12-09-2022
Collections Kolekcja Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN w Warszawie



Jakub Gutenbaum, Michał Inkielman. Multicriterial decision-making by comparison of the Pareto-optimal sets for a reduced number of objectives (RB-1998-95). [article, chapter] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.

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